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Saliba Update March 2023

Writer's picture: Jonathan & Anna SalibaJonathan & Anna Saliba

A New Church

Frank Niño, student of missionaries Craig and Fran Lingo, accidentally started a church. He and his wife Andrea didn’t set out to do this, but were willing when God decided to use them. They had both studied in good Bible institutes, and when they began helping people during the pandemic, those people started asking questions: questions that led to discipleship, and that discipleship led to a Bible study. In March, their Bible study officially became a church as Frank and Andrea were formally sent out from Craig and Fran’s church as church-planters. They just started renting a house for the church. Be sure to pray for them throughout this year.

Frank & Andrea and the new Bible Baptist Church

Manna After-School Program

The Manna after-school program is going very well. We have so many kids coming that we can’t accept more because of limited volunteers and budget.

Manna After-School Program

Bible Institute

Jonathan is teaching the book of Isaiah in the churches’ Bible Institute in April. We have some really great Christian leaders and future pastors in the institute. As you pray for more laborers in Colombia, be sure to pray for these students and God’s leadership in their lives.

Mission Trip

Our church in north Bogotá took 14 people on a mission trip in December. We put on a camp for two churches, did a lot of work on a church building, donated and set up a sound system in their building, encouraged the pastor, and did a little tourism as well.

Mission Trip Photos

Colombia Building Fund

Thanks to many of you, and even several donors we have never met, we have now raised $120,886 for our building fund. If you’ve considered giving to the Colombia Building Fund, it’s time! We’re going to be really focusing in on this project for the rest of this year, with the hope of purchasing land and being able to start construction. If you gave to the building fund since October, your gift was actually matched by a generous church in Texas who gave a total of $30,000 in matching gifts! We’re hoping to be able to offer several more opportunities like that one in the coming months. Learn more: We have been amazed that, almost without asking, so many churches have given so much. Thank you for providing a building for current and future churches!

Called to Preach

God has called Moises (Moses), one of our deacons, to preach. He says he isn’t sure whether or not God wants him to be a pastor or missionary, but he is sure that God wants him to preach. Moises is very direct, honest, and qualified for ministry, which is often rare on the mission field. Jonathan is planning to guide Moises through Bible interpretation and preaching classes each week and give him opportunities to frequently practice what he is learning. Moises is already a very clear communicator. Please pray for Moises and his ministry.

Moises, Heliana, Jacobo

Thank you for being on our prayer and support team!

Jonathan & Anna Saliba


Resources & Downloads

English letter PDF:

Spanish letter PDF:

All photos from this update:

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