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SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS We never take prayer for granted and know that you pray for us. For that reason, we bring these special prayer requests to your attention. Please pray for Scott’s dad. A couple of months ago, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Since it was not caught very early, the doctors think that it has probably spread, although we are unsure of the extent. He started an aggressive treatment about a month ago and it seems to be helping. We just heard that his PSA level has improved greatly, decreasing from 257 to 35.9. His next treatment is in six weeks.
Many of you may know Kristi’s uncle, Craig Lingo. Craig and Fran have been and continue to be faithful missionaries to Colombia. They have been there for almost fifty years. He has also been battling cancer. Right now his is undergoing intensive chemotherapy which will eventually lead to a stem cell transplant. He is doing well, weak physically, but strong spiritually. Please continue to pray for him and his wife as they face this. We also ask that you pray for the coming season of travel and training. As you know, everything was cut short last year because of COVID. We really hope that we can begin traveling by March this year. Lord willing, we will be in Colombia and Mexico.

CHANDLER’S NEW DIRECTION While studying missions at Arlington Baptist University, God moved in Chandler’s heart to join an intensive missions program at Midwestern Theological Seminary in Kansas City. The program is called FUSION. It is a year of physical, mental, and spiritual training which culminates in a summer abroad. Many of the trips take place in what might be considered restricted countries. He was accepted into the program and is very excited for this new adventure God has given him. He made the decision to move to Missouri in order to work and save money for his year at FUSION. He lives with his sister and Grandma in Bolivar, MO. He is growing and learning so much. We are so proud of him and excited to see how God will use this in his life.
We are adjusting to having two of our children on their own which makes the empty nest more of a reality in our lives every day. It certainly is a pleasure to see your children grow into the people God desires them to be, but it also brings moments of nostalgia as memories of their childhood surface at random moments. We love our kids so much! Please pray for Chandler in this new adventure. Pray for us too as we continue the process of preparing Chad and Chase, our last two, to leave the nest.
Thank you so much for your faithful support and prayers!
Scott & Kristi
