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  • Writer's pictureScott & Kristi Hudgins

Hudgins Update May 2021

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In our last update, we shared three specific prayer requests. We are thrilled to share with you how God has answered those requests.

Scott’s dad received excellent news from his doctors. His cancer is shrinking! His PSA level went down from 23 to 4.9 (0 to 4.0 is normal). The treatment he received this time will last four months.

Kristi’s uncle, Craig Lingo, is cancer free! When he went in the last time to be checked out so he could continue with the next treatment, they could not see any cancer. It had disappeared! They have given him permission to go back to Colombia to continue ministry. He will come back periodically to be evaluated.

Thank you so much for praying for George and Craig! Prayer works!


The third answer to prayer is we were finally able to travel again.

At the end of March, we flew to Colombia and spent two weeks there. Scott taught in the discipleship training school where there were 19 students, one of which was a young man who grew up in our church and has wrestled with the possibility of being a missionary some day. God has really worked in his life through this experience. He said, “God has shown me so much love through Jesus that now I ask myself, would I give all I am? Daily, I think about Isaiah 6:8, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” Please pray for Santiago.

After two wonderful weeks in Colombia, God allowed us to go to Orizaba, Mexico where a group of 50+ people gathered to hear Scott teach “The God of the Bible is a missionary God.” One seven year old came to the classes every night and took notes and wrote down questions she wanted to ask. She has been burdened to be a missionary and asked questions like, “What was the hardest thing for you to give up when you became a missionary?” God is at work burdening people of all ages to join Him as He works around the world, and it is so exciting for us to have a small part in it.

Thank you so much for your faithful support and prayers!

Scott & Kristi

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